Re: NHL cancels 2004-2005 season

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on February 18, 2005 at 07:46:12:

In Reply to: Re: NHL cancels 2004-2005 season posted by Bill Martinelli on February 17, 2005 at 23:03:05:

Yeah Bill you hit that mark. Try taking your kid to a Yankee game, it's over a hundred bucks for two and those are upper tier seats. 5$ for a hotdog. You could feed half of Bangladesh for the price of dinner.
What is going on??? Is this the new millenium> It sucks.
I used to go to Islander games but the fans are too annoying. They were adopted by all the Lawyers and Doctors when they were winning and as soon as they lost a game the stands were empty.
Night Baseball; go back to playing in the daytime; get rid of middle inning relief pitchers; the designated hitter rule. Who wants to watch a 31/2 hr. baseball game?


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