Re: Little Known Civil War Fact

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on February 14, 2005 at 10:22:05:

In Reply to: Re: Little Known Civil War Fact posted by elektratig on February 14, 2005 at 08:57:08:

Little known fact. Over 60% of the Union dead were Irish immagrants right off the boat from Ireland. Check the names on the rolls of the dead, O'Hanlon/Dillon/O'Malley. They stepped off the boat in Manhattan and into a uniform. Funny thing is things were so bad in Ireland they were happy to do the fighting as long as they got fed.
The Union Army was pretty much a mercenary group of Europeans.
In terms of Noble Aspirations the Confederacy was fighting for their way of life; by that time the cotton gin was in use and slavery was no longer profitable anyway. By the year 1800 one cotton gin and a couple mules could clean more cotton in an hour than a team of men could in a day.
Also the trade routes from India were supplying all the cotton Europe could use anyway. History is written by the victors.


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