Re: That's What Rush Has Been Saying

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on October 01, 2008 at 12:53:19:

In Reply to: That's What Rush Has Been Saying posted by FredT on October 01, 2008 at 07:09:38:

I am not convinced that either party is without blame in the current financial situation. Nor am I fully certain that either party was completely responsible. I don't think there is 100% fault to be found on one side of the aisle and none on the other side, nor do I think the private sector banks were helpless, without influence. Each of them must have been partially responsible. But I do think there are some more responsible than others.

I think the banks could have fought back harder, and that, in fact, it was there responsibility to do so. However, I do think that the low income loans are things that only Democrats would have an agenda to promote, so I think it is unreasonable to place blame on Republicans for them. It just stands to reason.

If the loans had gone out to large corporations, it might make more sense to think Republicans had their hands in it. Their policy tends towards trickle down economics. But that wasn't the case. The high-risk loans that caused problems were made to low and lower-middle income individuals trying to buy homes they couldn't afford. I just don't see this as being something Republicans would get behind, but I can definitely see it as being something squarely in a liberal agenda.

It's sometimes hard to know what to believe. But looking at results and motives, I think probably this was more a Democrat thing.

Are you going to watch the VP debate? Have you heard about the moderator?


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