Really? Honestly?

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Posted by wunhuanglo [ ] on August 30, 2006 at 08:48:58:

In Reply to: Re: It's all about me, pal posted by Bill Martinelli on August 29, 2006 at 10:16:38:

We can go to the polls, especially for local and primary elections, and refuse to vote for one of the can't-tell-the-difference sons o'bitches with a D or an R after his/her name. Vote Green, Independent or Crazy As Roger Fucking Rabbit but don't vote the incumbent or his hand picked look-alike successor.

In politics today there are two inviolate truths - every national politician is a corporate shill, and neither the two retards in the Executive or any of the 535 thieves and cowards down the street have the balls to go against their benefactors and do anything that would actually benefit the public (unless it just happens to coincide with corporate interests or ensure another vote come election time, but it's pure serendipity that the representatives address the concerns of the electorate).

It's the old story, if you keep doing the same thing hoping for a different outcome, you're clearly insane. We vote for another wind-up doll that looks exactly like the wind-up doll he's replacing and then we're dissapointed when he's the exact same self-interested sellout as his predecessor.


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