Re: It's all about me, pal

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 29, 2006 at 11:55:46:

In Reply to: Re: It's all about me, pal posted by Bill Martinelli on August 29, 2006 at 10:16:38:

The only thing we can do is remain awake and keep vigilant. No one person can help anything but you got to try and stay focused on the priorities and reign in the extremist wackos. What I do is try and think what makes sense and who benefits. If they clear-cut a forest then a couple dozen guys make great money for a year and the lumber company gets wealthy; but then the people lose a forest. So we use legislation to force them to re-forestation plans and selective cutting. Thats the war and we try to strike a balance.
Use your vote to promote the best policy and minimise the problems people can cause when they vote people into office based on faulty or non-issue platforms.
We all knew the Iraqi WMD's were BS; how did that happen? We let down our guard. Now we have a huge mortgage on our future.


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