Re: Something Has Occurred To Me

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Posted by Damir [ ] on August 19, 2006 at 14:30:48:

In Reply to: Something Has Occurred To Me posted by manualblock on August 19, 2006 at 12:11:50:

We have had lots of examples here - for example, one side fired a few hundreds of mortar shells on some city/village (with civilians inside, of course), and other side fired one 60mm rocket from the rocket launcher on the tank who went too close to the buildings.
Then some TV station called that "the fire exchange". But, always some non-corrupted and so-so objective journalist find a way to tell someone else what`s really happened...people of this town sometimes find a way to tell their relatives and friend in another city/state, some UN/EU observers can be that blind, and so on...
And even TV viewers are not that stupid...if they watch the story how dangerous terrorists damaged expensive tank, and in the distance they see demolished town, they`ll know that`s something isn`t quite right with this TV news...


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