Re: Pet Peeve

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 30, 2006 at 19:04:54:

In Reply to: Re: Pet Peeve posted by Wayne Parham on June 30, 2006 at 11:49:08:

Well; there we go. Regardless of how much you bend over backwards to appease a sense of fairness it almost seems impossible. Look at what you have to do in your own words; you have to modify your thinking to accomodate that sense.
Can you write that a piece sucks? No. So you do the best you can to give each set-up a fair shake; but then is that giving the reader a fair shake?
Where am I going with this? I say you either let the chips fall where they may or you strangle fair reporting. I can't see how it can be done any other way.
Thats my personal confusion. To be honest requires that feelings and maybe even revenue suffers. To be dishonest or maybe not so dire as that but maybe; lets say disengenously kind ; then you steer people wrong.
By prempting your own opinion in the sense that you have to be gentle to all the people who support you; you negate the value of anykind of quality judgement. Saying everything is good is the same as saying everything is not so good; it's meaningless. Because if everything is good then you just buy the cheapest thing.
I don't envy you your job here.
But I find a value in discussing things on this level.


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