Can't find that anywhere...

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on May 10, 2006 at 10:02:06:

In Reply to: Re: Yes, Republicans were able to get that in as well, thanks. posted by manualblock on May 10, 2006 at 09:49:46:

Here is an article about the tax cuts from the liberal leaning CNN. I'm sure they would have mentioned your point if it were true. Notice the article linked only mentions the Republicans debating among themselves about what to put in or leave out of the tax bill. The only thing mentioned about the Democrats is that they didn't want the cuts because they are "supposedly" for the wealthy. Some old rehashed rhetoric that never works. Nothing mentioned about any other complaints by the Democrats.

If you can show me where it says Bush would veto a bill because of the AMT part I would be happy to admit I'm wrong. However I believe everyone (or mostly) both Democrats and Republicans were for this measure.


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