Re: Taxes.....

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 07, 2006 at 21:26:59:

In Reply to: Re: Taxes..... posted by Leland Crooks on May 07, 2006 at 17:35:18:

Well; If I read your question correctly it seems to address this issue. Government employees traditionally were paid less than private sector workers and in return they had garraunties of job security and benefits. Many public employees; and you can confirm this, make significantly less in terms of job descriptions and the requirements of the work than what they would recive from private jobs. They must be compensated somehow. But in the larger sense workers are entitled to what their labor brings on the open markett according to the laws of economics; yet very few public or private labor is compensated accordingly. This supposedly is addressed with the notion that we as citizens can participate in the wealth by investing and also by sharing in what wealth brings to the community in terms of schools and roads and hospitals. It remains to see if that is in fact working according to plan. Looking at how wealth distribution curves have steepened I would say entitlements are not keeping pace with the re-distribution of wealth that is occuring in the recent history.
So this eventuality seems to beg the question of how exactly entitlements are behaving in the current economic climate. What is the issue in terms of how to distribute wealth and in what form that brings you to dispute the concept of entitlements and how you define them?


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