Huge March in Manhattan

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on April 30, 2006 at 08:03:07:

People were lined up on Broadway for twelve blocks packed in like sardines. If you know Broadway that is one hell of a lot of people. At the very least 50k. Anyone see this on the news? Not much because it was an anti-war march. American citizens excersizing their right to speak.
Lots of immigration march photos though; all over the news. So much for a free and open press.
The administration doesn't want anti-war marches publicised; so they don't get publicised. No liberal news bias here; just us good citizens doing what we are told. Like sheep.
Oh; not too many Latino's there. Thats tommorrow; sure it will be all over the news; Bush wants guest workers so we will see march's covered by the news up the wazoo.
Singing our National Anthem in Spanish with a samba beat.
"I want to live in Amerrreeca;"


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