Re: Five Generals Now; Dumsfeld Must Go

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on April 25, 2006 at 10:26:23:

In Reply to: Five Generals Now; Dumsfeld Must Go posted by manualblock on April 15, 2006 at 08:14:15:

People don't like change. Rummy is changing the military: faster, leaner, more multiplication of force. That some Generalsd are complaining (6 out of thousands) is no big deal.

From my analysis, he seems to have done an excellent job.

Casualty rate in Iraq is low (as compared to previous military campaigns). THis is NOT TO MINIMIZE the sacrifice of even one soldier in our armed forces or civilian out there. But it coul dhave been much worse in the hands of someone incompetent or WORSE, political.

Remember Somalia? Remember the Iranian rescue attempt? Both bungled by politicos running the war. SAme with VIetnam.

I am glad we have a non-political bunch of smart guys (Rummy & Dick) running the war. That is why we are winning and haven't had any attacks here seems to me.


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