Re: ManualBlock - Continued from below - Home Schooling

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Posted by Mr Vinyl [ ] on March 04, 2006 at 12:23:37:

In Reply to: Re: ManualBlock - Continued from below - Home Schooling posted by manualblock on March 04, 2006 at 10:35:50:

My sons are 8 and almost 10

Unfortunately I have no family in the area. So we have no real support system at all. Just ourselves.

We live in a suburban area. I would rather not say which state.

We do our lessons in one room usually but sometimes where ever is convenient. This is the kids bedroom where we have charts a desk etc. It is usually a battle to get the kids to do their lessons. Most of the time we have to bribe them with some kind of reward such as getting their favorite lunch etc or playing their favorite playstation game. I try to get most of their lessons done in the mornings but we don't have a specific time set up to do lessons. It usually goes something like this "it's time for lessons. But Dad I'm watching this nick jr cartoon. Ok when that's over we'll start. If I were home schooling normal children I would be much more strict with lesson time etc. But we are just happy to get the kids to do something each day. We work on Sat & Sun. as well as through the summers. I teach the kids separately. First one then the other. When my wife comes home from work she will also work with them if she is not to tired.

You say you are not a believer. I assume you mean in home schooling. Neither was I until we did it. I am very convinced that home schooling was essential for my boys. My son hated school the short 9 months he was in it. He learned nothing. To this day he talks about how the teacher hated him. Now that I have done home schooling I think I would do it even if my sons were "normal". It is very gratifying when they learn something. Plus as I said we can concentrate on doing the work that we feel in important. There is only one draw back that I can see. That is that part of going to public school is meeting and making friends. Now I do converse with people with normal kids that home school. They are constantly going on trips (campouts, museums etc) with many other children so there is much social interaction for normal home schooled children if you choose to participate. This is difficult with my children. My sons don't like going places and usually start screaming after a short time and want to go home. So the bottom line is our sons don't get much social interaction. That said, home schooled children regularly out perform public schools children on standardized tests. I am all for home schooling now. I see the difference it has made in my sons and other peoples kids. Public schools are becoming a poor more and more a poor environment for learning. This is why home schooled children as well as children who attend private schools to so much better than children who are products of the public school system.


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