And Another . . .

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Posted by elektratig [ ] on February 16, 2006 at 21:25:19:

In Reply to: Re: Cheney-Inspired Trivia posted by manualblock on February 16, 2006 at 12:59:04:

Andrew Jackson fought his duels in 1795, 1803 and 1806, and the wild-west shootout in Nashville took place in 1813.

Who's the last major-party presidential nominee who shot and killed someone (other than in war)?

If you guessed Ted Kennedy, you're wrong on two counts. He was never the Democratic presidential nominee; and he didn't use a gun.

The correct answer is . . .

. . . drumroll . . .

. . . Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic Party candidate who ran unsuccessfully against Ike in 1952 and 1956:

"When Stevenson was a child, there was a tragic incident that haunted him for the rest of his life. While showing off with his brother's hunting rifle, he accidentally shot and killed a young playmate named Ruth Merwin. Stevenson rarely discussed the incident but many have theorized that his dedication to causes may have been due to the terrible burden of guilt he carried."


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