Re: Ho Hum

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on February 05, 2006 at 09:08:56:

In Reply to: Ho Hum posted by elektratig on February 05, 2006 at 02:37:57:

You mean like how you guys are going to afford to retire w/o SS? Tell me about everyones 401K and the 3/4's of a million they have stuffed in that turkey. I need to laugh at the notion of survival on that pittance.
How about this; we need new energy initiatives at great cost to the taxpayer for consulting fees and exploratory drilling etc. And from what business did the current administration retire to enter the political manipulation business?
Tech companies went big for the Republican ticket so; they got theirs.
Iran going nuclear? What about North Korea; a whole nation of people we can't even begin to understand with the bomb. Naah' they are too tough to be messing with. We'll just invade a few tribes in the desert, that is a little easier; except not this time.
Bomb at the Super Bowl? That bomb would be competing with the game's that usually turn out to BE bombs.
Whens the last exciting bowl game? Well maybe the Eagles and Pats last year but when was the last one before that. And that game has four turnovers.


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