Re: Perception of Sound

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on January 21, 2006 at 23:20:59:

In Reply to: Re: Perception of Sound posted by Bill Martinelli on January 21, 2006 at 21:27:39:

The Pearls are nice; I don't have a huge amount of experience with them but they look to be made well and I have heard them on ocassion. Do you play at all now? Practice?
I have always sort of kept my hand in so to speak but now my son is getting older and not requiring my services as much so I am gearing up to maybe do something in the future. I started practicing about a year ago seriously and soon I am starting lessons with Jeff Indyke. Ever hear of him; he has this drum show every sunday night on public access TV. It's on channel 20 here I don't know what it is up there. He's a pisser, strange dude. It's been so long since I actually had to learn new beats and techniques that it will be much faster with some help. I am trying out the Moeller Method; sound familiar? It is easier on your arms and arthritis ridden joints.

Yeah; this weather is fine ain't it? The last two winters were rough; all that white stuff. So a little TV ehh? I just saw Syriana tonight; not too shabby compared to whats been out there lately.


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