Re: Panties in a bunch.

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Posted by Leland Crooks [ ] on January 20, 2006 at 11:55:19:

In Reply to: Re: Panties in a bunch. posted by manualblock on January 20, 2006 at 11:25:38:

The history channel (I think) is running a week long series on presidents. Lat nite was 1820-1865. It was fascinating. Up until Lincoln, we had a series of presidents that make George look good. Ineffectual, dogmatic, drunk, disinterested, you name it. No wonder we had a civil war. Nobody took the reins until Lincoln forced the issue. His evolution thru the war is interesting too. From centrist to what they termed, "second revolution" in american politics. My how far the republican party has fallen.

I don't really have a dem alternative yet, none of them step out as centrist enough to be elected. I haven't looked hard yet. But one will surface. I like John McCain. He's pretty far right on a lot of issues, but he tells it like it is. Unlike our current officeholder who started out that way, and now tells it as he wants it to be. And he understands the art of compromise. My right wing conservative employee tells me they'll never nominate him. The hard right of the party doesn't trust him.


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