Re: Whaddid I Miss?

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on January 05, 2006 at 20:45:06:

In Reply to: Whaddid I Miss? posted by elektratig on January 05, 2006 at 17:00:36:

Hi Bud; I just wanted to get some kudo's in to the hardworking drones at justice deep in the bowels of the beuracracy who unearthed the web of connections existing between that used car salesman Abromoff and Delay; who should hang good and proper like in the old west for spouting all that nonsense about reforming the party while schemeing to defraud the voters of their right to honest representation.
There is no more heineous crook than one who hides behind the mantle of reform and honesty in government.
Whatdya think?


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