Another View

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Posted by Damir [ ] on November 10, 2005 at 07:40:46:

In Reply to: The Situation In France posted by elektratig on November 06, 2005 at 07:15:59:

Just read the interview with Croatian admiral Davor Domazet, geostrategic expert. In his book “Masters of Chaos” he anticipated the incidents in Paris, five years ago.
His opinion is that roots of these clashes are not (just) in material things (social, economic, racial, terorism…), but on deeper, metaphysical level. The problem is not in 10% “newcomers”, but in European 90%, and their Elite, who stimulate destroying “old” cultural and national identity, and Christian roots of European states. Paris is the “model” for new globalized, multicultural place, lead by political, business and cultural Elite.
“Second-rated” citizens are not just on the edge of the cities and society, they are between two Elites – “rulers”, and first-rated citizens, “ecologicaly convictioned” Elite. But, “New Population” does not participate in “New Hedonism” of Elite, where new cars and pets are more important then children. And, “homeless” people reject those “values”, and keep their own values, habits, religions. And this population grows and grows – clash and “explosion” is guaranteed.
Mr. Domazet expects “cancelling” of Europe as we know, up to the year 2025.


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