Re: The Situation In France

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on November 06, 2005 at 10:24:52:

In Reply to: Re: The Situation In France posted by Damir on November 06, 2005 at 08:05:32:

Interesting. I am always wary of anecdotal descriptions of large subjects like crime and poverty. To reduce these huge issues to a few personal stories of incidents of note seems to betray the authenticity of the experience.
The point of the aricle and I did read it in toto addresses the real issue which is you create a situation where you import large numbers of workers to defray the cost of labor but the reality is you only import potential trouble. We will see this here in the actions of the massive numbers of illegals that will turn on us the minute their livelihoods are threatened.
When you save that 50c on towels in Wal-Mart you spend 4$ on the health care for that worker who is not making enough money to pay for it themselves.
To support their lifestyle the French have become the victims of simple economics. Same thing happened in Rome 2000 yrs ago and every age in between.
The city planning mirrors our own disatrous attempts in the 1950's to provide public housing. Makes you woder how planners cannot see that wharehousing mass numbers of people in what amounts to verticle ghettos will creat opportunities for alienation and de-cultureisation.

You simply cannot create a permanent underclass without suffering the consequences.

I just finished reading ,"Paris To The Moon", by Adam Gopnik.
Very enjoyable and a good description of Anglo-French differences.
Nice topic; there's lot of angles there of interest.


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