Cassette ramblings...

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Posted by hurdy_gurdyman [ ] on December 03, 2004 at 09:56:50:

I’ve been on epay looking at cassette decks for a week or so now. I’m replacing my Tascam 133 with another just like it (mine had the right channel go garbled a while back). I’ve been a bit amazed at how popular cassette decks still seem to be. Lots of bidding on the better models. I seen a Teac 6000 sell for $175, which I think is great considering it’s $1200 original price. I almost bid on a Yamaha deck with all four noise reduction types and response above 20 kHz. It went for around 43 dollars. There were over a thousand decks of various makes on epay, all of them getting bids. You’d think, in this day of well established digital dominance, that cassette would be completely dead. Evidently some, like myself, think there may be a use for these things yet. Mine, with my faithful DBX-150 type I noise reduction unit, is used to record my bands rehearsals regularly. It also was used to record my last CD on. If I hadn’t mentioned it to a few people, most would never have guessed it was recorded on cassette.
Man, I hope high quality cassette tapes are available for a long while yet!

Let’s hear it for old-fashioned cassette! When used in a great deck, they are hard to beat!


Oh, BTW, I won another Tascam 133 for $42 plus shipping and handling. Not bad for a deck with a list price of $1200.


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