Dynaco: 2 sST-70s, 3 FM-3s

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Posted by russellc [ ] on August 26, 2008 at 11:28:23:

If anyone is interested a have a few Dyna pieces to liquidate:
1. ST-70 This is a nice ST-70 in working condition. It has the Allan Kimmel designed Welbourne labs mod I installed in the late to mid 90's. I would like to get 500 plus shipping. If anyone desires, for an extra 100 it will have a Mullard 5AR4 rectifier and a pair of
Raytheon 5751s. Otherwise it will have a russian 5AR4 and either GE
(or what ever I have available) 5751s. It has GE 6U8, and I will include several NOS replacements, as I wont need them without the amp!

2. ST-70 This one I got as only a top chassis and out puts. I installed the board, bias pots that came from the above amp when I modded it. I used the Audio by Van Alstein trick for the multi cap, a piece of board with Panasonic TSU caps by passed with an orange drop.
The power transformer is one which was designed as a collaberative effort between Audio by VanAlstein and the now defunct Sound Values.
It is thicker and puts out a lot more current than the original, otherwise appears just like it. The unusual thing about it is that it has a lower voltage, so that the 5Ar4 can be eliminated and solid state rectifiers used. This thing screams for freds in this location, but it worked as is and I never "fixed" that! This also allows for a stiffer power supply and to that end a big Cerafine Cap is concealed inside. 300 plus shipping. The original 7199 (again donnors from the above amp) are dead and so I dont have them. I rebuilt the bias caps, and have installed a modern diode. It hasnt been fired up in years, but I guarantee the Iron is way good!

3. This is a triode labs/SDS replacement board for the dyna ST-70
and is assembled and has NOS tubes in it, 75 shipped and all.

4. FM-3 number 1: Nice shape cosmetically, working eye tube, this one operates fine, and is in my upstairs system as we speak.125 plus shipping.

5. FM-3 number 2: Nice shape cosmetically, working eye tube, this unit is operating fine, and is currently in my downstairs system.
125 plus shipping.

6. FM-3 number 3: Nice shape cosmetically, working eye tube this unit operates, but not quite as well as the first 2 do. I have never attempted to align or replace any tubes, but it is a working piece. 100 plus shipping.

7. Dead FM-3: This one is dead, parts unit. It has an unusal, brand new face plate, has "Dynakit" on it, same Glass piece ( well they are actually plastic in the dynas) as usual, but it is flat, without the beveled edges typically along the top and bottom edge of FM-3 face plates. Like new condition on the face plate. 25 plus shipping


Thanks for reading, I will post some pics this eve, or will be happy to email them to anyone interested.



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