Omnipresent Speakers

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Posted by Curtis Turner [ ] on July 09, 2007 at 20:48:19:

Omnipresent Sound Reasearch and Development,

We have what you need in home and live audio loud speakers. Having a close out sale on several pair. Richard Guy, Eugene, OR / sound engineer has did alot of the testing on our speakers and I quote him as saying in our reports that. The so-called 'sweet spot' simply dose not exist with these systems. In fact, these OPS Sound systems put to rest the nonsence that a 'sweet spot' is somehow desirable! And we have the TEF audio machine read out to prove this along with 4 patents that will change the world in how sound is reproduced to the human ear. If you are interested in this new technogoly or are in the SF Bay area. Please feel free to contact me Curtis Turner at 650.796.2400

p.s. I have live audio speakers that I use out live and are in a venue that I book music. I only need 2 speakers to mic a entire band including the bass player and the drummer all at the same time and space. They can handle 750 watts on a 8" speaker and are self cooling with on need for floor monintors also.

Curtis Turner / Sales Rep / Reasearch & Development


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