Check out these great places

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on March 09, 2004 at 09:30:19:

Here is a list of participants that make really cool stuff, so you might want to check 'em out. I've undoubtedly left off a name or two, so please fill in the blanks by mentioning your fav's too.

First, the sponsors:

Visions of Infinedi - Web hosting and really cool art. Check out the art gallery here, and order a print or dozen. The prices are more than reasonable, and I'm telling you - Their art is outstanding. Sheri from Visions is doing the T-Shirts for And when you see her work, you'll know that this is indeed a big favor to all of us.

Triode & Company - Audio Note distributor and audio enthusiast extraordinaire. I'm really impressed by the craftsmanship of products here, just really fine stuff. Check it out.

π Speakers - Well, that's my little company, so I can't say much and still be modest. Then again, I'm not bashful. Check out our line of speakers, we make the best darn speakers in the known universe.

Martinelli Sound - If you want some wood horns, this is the place to get them. All the best woods are available, and the finishes are exquisite. From piano black to zebrawood, Bill will make your horns a beauty to behold, both visually and sonically. Billet aluminum throats with O-Ring seals too, so they'll mount your driver perfectly and last forever. Bill does custom cabinets too, so check with him for all your woodworking needs.

Bill Epstein - Another cabinetmaker extraordinaire. Epstein teamed up with Martinelli to do a cabinetry seminar at MAF 2003 which was both enlightening and entertaining. He posts here regularly in a friendly and informal tone, but don't let that fool you. His public speaking abilities are only surpassed by his good nature. Wherever Bill goes, he brings a stabilizing influence and good cheer. Excellent cabinetry skills too, so watch for his posts.

Mike Baker - Mike was responsible for the highly successful and enjoyable Midwest Audiofest events. These literally transformed our worls, and now we're seeing several of these kinds of events popping up all over the country. It's a great thing, because the larger shows are too formal and, well, big to be able to get close to the manufacturers and the sound. Mike single handedly brought us the local intimate trade show that has become the model of so many others.

Akhilesh Bajaj - Akhilesh is a professor of Information Technology at Tulsa university, so he really knows his stuff. Not only that, but he is obsessed with good audio and in particular, SET and Single Drivers. But he's also got a primo pair of Klipshorns and doesn't mind driving them with SET or push-pull. It wouldappear that he draws the line at solid state though.

Replay Electronics - George Duemm at Replay Electronics in Toronto is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. I can always count on George to be a stabilizing influence. He is of quiet demeanor, with maybe just a dash of kind cynicism. Yes, I did pair the words "kind" and "cynicism" and George is a guy that can actually pull that off. Check with him is you need electronics or components in Canada.

Mark Margiotta - Mark is a surgeon here in Tulsa, and enjoys fine wine and song when he's away from the operating table. His choice of systems is push-pull tubes and planar speakers, and he has an assortment of equipment and record albums that would give anyone pause. One of the things I like best about Mark is that he is so approachable. He has energy to spare and is always excited to visit with everyone.

Now, some of our other friends:

Centauri Audio - High output horn speakers
Jim Griffin
- Line array speakers (actually, this is the website of the Linus co-developer, Rick Craig)
Brad Kiser
- DIY amplifiers
Martin King
- Transmission line speakers using single drivers
Ed Schilling
- Rear horn speakers using single drivers

There are lots of other regulars that I'd like to mention, because they have been so supportive, and well, fun. Bill Wassilak, Adrian Mack, Jerrod Harden, Mollecon, JLapaire, GrantMarshall (Rider), Chris R, Zeno, drguayo, HenryW (Bubbawatt), Mike E, Artsybrute, Garland, wasteh202, Hurdy_Gurdyman, Larry Acklin, GarMan, Haknhendrix, wunhuanglo, newsjeff, spkrman57, Dean Kukral, ToFo, Crazy Dave, manualblock, Adam, Brian Jefferys and the list could continue like this and go on and on. But this started of as a list of folks that you could buy stuff from. It was to be a list of companies and individuals that provded goods and services. I just got carried away.


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