pHY-HP Km30sag coax full range $2000 a pair

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Posted by mmm12dna [ ] on October 09, 2005 at 03:27:03:

pHY-HP Km30sag coax full range (30 to 30kHz) $2000 a pair...12 inch with only 9.7 g of moving mass!! Tweeter's moving mass is at 0.09 g!!! dynamic and fast!!

I know I know...some expensive meat here.... But I paid more than 2700 for them ..ok..;-)

used for ten days only... shipped free in USA..

I am wiliing to work with any buyer for the life time warranty that was for me only... I will provide service to you for up to a year...anything wrong... send them back to me and I will use my warranty... if you blow them up, it is not free to fix them anyway...



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