Double-Blind test proves conclusively Fostex 103E is a horrible liddle squawker!

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Posted by CurrentlyInebriated [ ] on March 30, 2004 at 21:11:25:

Open a fresh bottle of Bombay Sapphire, get the pitcher out of the freezer, pour in the good vermouth, pour it back out again, add the Sapphire and some ice, swirl exactly 3 times and pour 8 or 9 fingers over a couple of olives into a chilled glass.
That's the double-blind drunk part.
Now we listen to Diana on the A/V ssytem with Fostex backhorns full range in front and JBL 3677's surrounds (with the original M115 woofs crossed at 1.6k) We had thought the 103's were breaking in as the sound was fuller and less harsh on top as before. So we push a few buttons and now Diana, her piano and Jeff's cymbals are playing on the 103's all by themselves. Tinny, honky-tonk thumbtacks on the hammers back alley piano. Cymbals are way too sizzly and Miss Krall, yuk!
It was the 3677's Stoopid! They were filling in the bass and rounding out the treble even with the surround material.
So I switch the 4" horrors for the surrounds and push play. DAmn! I forgot that the M115 doesn;'t like crossing at 1.6 or maybe it just isn't too good. So now I have to uncork the other pair of 2226's from the 4648 cabinet and swap into the 3677's.
Which is where I was 3 years ago, shortly after the Tent Sale.
Is this a great country, or what?
Somebody get the pitcher out of the freezer.............


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