DIY2005 Orlando thanks

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Posted by theNoid [ ] on October 30, 2005 at 08:24:35:

Ok folks, 'tis the day after. I wanted to send out an
e-mail to everyone who was able to make it and
partcipate in the fun.

There were several folks there that are not on my list
here so if you know them PLEASE have them send me an
e-mail with their contact info.

Also, if you won a door prize that was not there and
needs to be shipped to you, PLEASE send me an e-mail
with your shipping.receiving information so I can get
them out to you.

Of course, having mentioned the door prizes, I have to
say THANKS SO MUCH to all the great vendors involved
this time around. Your contributions to our day are
greatly appreciated by all and your continuing
contributions to the DIY community are indeed awesome.

Now then, to the people who came out for the
show....bravo. We did have a little slow start but all
in all I think we had a great day. I got to meet new
people this time around and BS with a couple of the
Florida DIY regulars for a bit as well. All of the
projects that I saw and heard were excellent overall.
Thanks again for coming out folks I am looking forward
to getting together with you again soon.

As for the people who couldn't make it, my apologies
if my scheduling caused your absence, you were missed
this time around. I will be doing my regular Florida
DIY Gathering in February so maybe we can get everyone
rounded up for that date (to be announced).

Once again, there a few folks there that aren't on my
e-mail list here and I need their info so if you know
it, or them, please contact me.

Folks, please take the time to check out all of the
vendors webpages listed here...

...and be sure to contact them and thank them for the
support and contributions.

I/we will be getting some webpages/photo sets up soon
and will get the links out to you for your viewing

Have a safe and great holiday season folks...see you
next time around!!!

Chuck Scheerschmidt


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