DIY2005 Orlando

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Posted by theNoid [ ] on July 21, 2005 at 09:49:42:

Ok, we are getting very close here folks so get yer DIY stuff up and running and bring it all to the DIY2005 Orlando event.

I have settled on Saturday, September the 3rd, from 9AM until ???.

Grub will be supplied by non other than myself again, and so far shooting dougnuts and pastries for the early folks (bring your own java if wanted), and for lunch...Boars Head dogs with all the fixin's including kraut, onions, chili, etc, etc, etc. A veggie tray, potato salad, and chips of various flavors will also be served. I will supply soda-pops of various flavors from the Pepsi family.

As for the event, as mentioned before, we would like to have things a bit more organized this time around so there will be a set agenda to be followed.

Ideas on the list are of course...speaker auditioning/reviewing. We will do this with a single source/amp/cables/etc so all speakers are being played on an even field when it comes to these things. We would also like everyone involved to participate in writing a few words down about each design they here. I will provide the pencils and paper to do so, so don't worry about bringing them yourself.

I would also like to have soem kind of demonstration there such as comparing resistors/capacitors/etc.

Hopeuflly by then, someone will have the Dayton WT2 here and we can do a quick demo on using that...hmmm, I wonder if Darren has any experience with it??? I am trying to wrangle the good Doctor at PE to come on down to this one folks, be sure to let him know he is openly invited.

I do not want to limit this to speakers only so if you have ANY type of DIY project that is audio related, please bring it. After we do the main listening/reviewing of the speakers, then we can all play around with the different amps, pre-amps, and whatever else is brought to the event.

I cannot stress enough how important it is that I can get a decent headcount as soon as possible so I can get the room and such squared away. I have not secured a venue as of yet but will be going over there next week sometime to scout it out.

If you have any questions or comments, PLEASE e-mail me at with them and I will help you in any way that I can.

Sooo....who's in???



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