Re: Repeated JVC Question

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Posted by colinhester [ ] on March 25, 2005 at 11:38:53:

In Reply to: Re: Repeated JVC Question posted by DanR on March 25, 2005 at 08:06:32:

I looked through the JVC site as well and did not find any information. Hopefully they can help.

A google search of "JVC SP-3" came up with your question first followed by a number of hits in Spanish. I tried to follow the links but for the most part they were of no help. Just reading through the google hits of the description of the pages, I could tell what the speakers were. It was pure speculation on my part that they are South American in origin, but considering all the hits were Spanish I thinks it's a safe guess.

If you can pull off the drivers and look for part numbers, you might try a search on that number. I'm sure there is a US equivalent, but finding it is going to be the tricky part.

Yes, I live in Cinci and have for the past seven years; my wife is native and drug me here. We lived over on the West Side (Bridgetown) when we first moved up and now live in West Chester. I really like Cinci and starting to get a feel for the lifestyle.

HAve you ever been to the Hamvention up in Dayton? I going to go this year (yeah, I've said that for the past 6 years) It looks like it might be a great palce for some good bargains. I just hope it doesn't rain. Oh wait, it rains everyday here.....Colin


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