Only one week to the Iowa 2004 DIY Speaker Event!

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Posted by Jim Holtz [ ] on October 16, 2004 at 10:03:22:

Just a reminder that the 2004 Iowa DIY speaker event will be held next Saturday in the Adventureland Inn, Altoona Iowa which is a N.E. suburb of Des Moines. I’m planning on getting started at 9:00 AM with the up to $250 class. I’ll be there setting up at around 8:00 AM. Complete information is posted at

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to secure local sponsorship to offset the cost of the room so there will be a charge of $10 per person to pay for the room again this year. The good news is that I was able to find a number of extremely generous sponsors for the speaker classes and for an Award of Excellence that will be given away to the most professional DIY design at the event without regard to cost. There will be guidelines to base the awards on that I’ll cover at the event. There’ll also be drawings that will include everyone who attends. Lots of fun stuff! :-)

I’ll also have a For Sale table. If you have drivers, electronics etc. that you bought in anticipation of that next project that never materialized, here’s a chance to sell them to other folks just like yourself. You will be responsible for your merchandise, signs and any transactions that may occur.

Some of the notable attendees this year are Dennis Murphy, Rick Craig, Jim Salk and Dave Ellis. Rick will be doing speaker measurements during the event. Have Clio will travel! :-) This will be a great opportunity to chat with these gentlemen about crossover design, cabinet building and DIY speakers in general. They are some of the most accomplished and professional members of DIY speaker building and I feel very fortunate that they'll be joining us this year.

Questions? Send me an email at and I’ll get right back to you.

See you there!



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