Re: Linkwitz's Orion Open Baffle

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Posted by lon [ ] on October 03, 2004 at 11:48:18:

In Reply to: Re: Linkwitz's Orion posted by manualblock on October 03, 2004 at 10:20:53:

My first project was to replace the speaks in an old pair
of Nakamichi desktop 2 ways with Fostex FE127e's, cut out the
back and plug up the port hole.

There is a variation on this called the Bob 3 here...
main difference I can see is that some absorbent material
is used on the baffle. If that rubberized stuff is not
available, PE has some product for damping sound in car
panels like door skins etc.

I think Fitz mentioned this as a way to a line array as well.


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