Re: Cats vs Speakers

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Posted by elektratig [ ] on September 06, 2004 at 05:26:17:

In Reply to: Cats vs Speakers posted by Dean Kukral on September 05, 2004 at 14:33:22:


We currently have three cats -- four until my dear Antigone, a/k/a "Tig", died at age 22 earlier this year. None has ever displayed any interest in any of my speaker drivers (or ports, some of which are probably big enough to allow them access!). All damage to drivers over the years has been caused by curious little fingers and vacuum hoses.

I do have one cat who like to lie on my Welborne Reveille preamp during the winter so she can incubate -- or be incubated by -- the tubes protruding from the top cover, but that's another story . . .



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