Re: Stuffing thickness

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Posted by Bill Fitzmaurice [ ] on August 12, 2004 at 07:35:58:

In Reply to: Re: Stuffing thickness posted by Ralph on August 11, 2004 at 23:53:24:

If the line is not completely stuffed throughout its length it will not perform as a transmission line; I'm not familiar with the design in question, but the lack of full stuffing makes me question it.

A transmission line by dint of its design will develop a number of resonant modes throughout its length; it is critical that those modes be damped with stuffing or the response curve will be quite erratic. When properly stuffed a transmission line will have a smooth frequency response with no internal reflective modes and an impedance sweep will show a single impedance peak at the line frequency with no peaks anywhere else. Without adequate stiuffing it will exhibit numerous impedance peaks and the response will also be marred by a series of peaks and dips.


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