Old Marantz vs New ART

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Posted by Scott L [ ] on March 07, 2009 at 11:35:19:

So, for the mean time, my trusty really old Marantz 1070 amp is down for the count. My fault: I had been using the a/c receptacle in the back to power on and off an additonal amplifier, and the consumption rating at turn on surpassed it's capabilities... gee I hope it's just the power switch.
Well, I own 6 power amps, and most of them are down because they had been left "off" for too long a time. (Another story)
Enter the Applied Research Technology ATR SLA2 power amp to replace it. It actually still works. It's rated at like 200 watts/ channel compared to the puny little 35 watts per channel Marantz.
The Marantz kicked it's butt. The Marantz has bass qualities that are deep and gut wrenching. The ART sounds soft by comparison.
Maybe it's because the 1070 is an old bi-polar design and I am not sure what the ART is (??)


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