Sm-70 Amp Stand With Forced Air Cooling

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Posted by FredT [ ] on February 23, 2006 at 21:03:03:

In Reply to: Monarchy Audio SM-70 posted by FredT on February 22, 2006 at 15:50:52:

So far the only disadvantage I have found with this Class A amplifier is that the designer included some small cooling vents in the aluminum top cover, so when you fry eggs on it they drip through onto the power supply. The owners manual states "This amplifier generates a lot of heat. Good ventilation is eassential for long term reliability." This puppy runs HOT.

Windy Willy to the rescue! He's the guy who sells amplifier cooling fans on Ebay. His fans are 5", 12 volt DC models that are powered by a 6 volt wall wart to run at a slower, quieter speed. I built an amp stand around one of these fans, and it keeps the cooling vents on the SM-70 only slightly warm to the touch and runs quiet enough to not be distracting. Pictures of the just completed, unpainted stand at the link below.


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