Re: Curcuit breaker going off on Yamaha RX-385

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Posted by chris [ ] on June 19, 2005 at 14:34:55:

In Reply to: Re: Curcuit breaker going off on Yamaha RX-385 posted by Wayne Parham on June 19, 2005 at 09:28:28:

Thanks very much for taking the time to think about my problem. Its very kind of you to have done so.I may not be in the position where this could happen again as i am expecting to pick up a used pair of Hales Concept III's which if i remembercorrectly are not bi-wireable.I will need to upgrade from the Yamaha receiver though as neat as that has been.I can finally put my KEF 690Q's in boxes back into the Van.I had them running off the high end posts as the AR9's tweeters do not work and that's where the loose wire developed.Thanks again.


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