Who knows about preamp input impedance?

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Posted by gumby1 [ ] on May 05, 2005 at 21:20:11:

I'm shopping for a solid state preamp and noticed what seems to be a substantial difference in input impedances between the models I am considering. The four brands and models I am looking at have input impedances at 10K Ohm (McCormack Audio), 22K Ohm (Zus Audio), 47K Ohm (Van Alstine), and 50K Ohm (Marsh). Can anyone explain to me how this is going to affect my system components that I might hook up to the preamp? I am considering building a Bottlehead Seduction phono preamp. The designer indicates that it is designed for preamps with input impedances of 50K or greater. What might happen if I hooked it up to a preamp with lower impedance? This particular phono preamp is not a high priority so I could choose a different one depending on which preamp I go with. I suppose the preamp designers choose input impedance based on certain criteria. I just don't know much about it.


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