Re: Sonic Impact amp-- any thoughts on it?

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on April 14, 2005 at 20:11:57:

In Reply to: Re: Sonic Impact amp-- any thoughts on it? posted by lon on April 14, 2005 at 13:44:41:

Lon; I have one downstairs on the Pi 4's. I swap it in and out with the Gainclone and my modified Dyna 70. It drives the pi's loud enough that I can play along with the music. As long as you keep the demand for power down it has a nice clean open sound. In the den on the HT Polk RT 25i's it really does sound good but that room is small and I never have to raise the volume above 1/4. It's powered with a ratshack 1.5a wall wart but I hear it really needs 1.8a or better to reach full potential. For 20$ though it really cannot be beat. Not in the same league as the Dyna and loses a little to the GC but not bad.


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