Re: BR + TL + FH

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Posted by Martin [ ] on September 05, 2004 at 19:29:05:

In Reply to: Re: BR + TL + FH posted by Merrill on September 05, 2004 at 12:24:50:

Hi Merrill,

Thanks for the positive feedback on my site.

A few weeks ago I posted my first pass analysis of horn loaded (front and back) loudspeakers on my site. This si a first cut and I will be visiting several areas of horn design in more detail this winter. Horns have me fascinated and I hope to be able to look at things a little bit different from the way it has been done in the past.

After posting the horn articles, I took a slight detour to finish upgrading my closed and ported box worksheets to be 3D, standing waves in all three directions in the enclosure. This is almost done and I am going to write a short document on the impact of different standing waves on the system performance, this includes a look at the golden ratio design method.

Oh, at some point this winter I want to build another Lowther based speaker system.

Keeping busy,



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