Re: Who are you calling a Nut :-)

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Posted by Phil Wilson [ ] on February 21, 2004 at 23:58:55:

In Reply to: Re: Who are you calling a Nut :-) posted by Martin on February 21, 2004 at 15:00:38:

The Lowther's I listened to (a PM6C and one of the DX series, can't remember which) I thought were unrealistically detailed, like Martin is talking about - that was why I chose the Fostex after an A/B listening session. As it was described to me, listening to a Lowther is like getting used to spicy food - at first it can be a little jarring, but eventually you won't be able to listen to the "bland" stuff again. If you want every single piece of information off that source, then an unfiltered Lowther gets as much as I've ever heard. Like Mike says, all that detail doesn't sound like anything I've heard in real life. At the same time, the information is there, and it is amazing to hear. So which is right? I ended up choosing the Fostex because it sounded more realistic to me (so I have already added a "filter" by choosing the less detailed driver). I guess I agree with Akhilesh that cutting out some of the signal to add weight to other parts seems to be a little inconsistent with the point of using a single driver. At the same time, I picked the Fostex for the same reason Martin is using the filter, so I definitely see the point. The cool thing about the filter is that you can take it out or tweak it whenever you want to hear that sweat drop fall off the cellist's nose. Phil.
