Re: Cheap and easy phase plug

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Posted by Norris Wilson [ ] on January 01, 2006 at 17:54:28:

In Reply to: Re: Cheap and easy phase plug posted by hurdy_gurdyman on January 01, 2006 at 12:21:34:

Hi Dave,

Yes, I have looked at the B200 before and feel it could be a good candidate for my open baffle use.

Do you know what Visaton's measuring criteria is for the frequency versus impedance plot for the B200, I did not see it?
I did see that the B200 has a 84db output at 80Hz 1watt/1meter, and 96db at around 11kHz where it takes a dive.

The no box design that they offer as one of the possible plans for the B200 is what has inspired me to pursue this open baffle criteria.
I would like to go with this basic design, but with a slightly different baffle and crossover configuration.

I would like to mount the bass driver in its own wider open baffle that would be tailored to the midbass region. And use a narrower baffle for the midrange driver where it would not use a crossover except for a simple capacitor to a super tweeter at around 10kHZ.

These seperate baffles for the midbass and midrange would give me a little more freedom to physically align the drivers more precisely. And they would eliminate most of the the drivers frequency interactions and resonance coupling problems.

I would use seperate amplifiers for the different open baffle speakers frequency ranges where the midbass would be rolled off on top by a passive 600 ohm in line filter. Active subwoofers would bring up the bottom frequencies of around 50Hz.

Looking at the frequency plot for the B200 may explain why they are using a 250Hz crossover for the no box speaker design with the 54cm wide baffle.

Look at the No Box speaker design given on the B200 information page.

My though of German, or European driver for my open baffle criteria is mostly based on the use of AlNico magnets at a reasonable cost.

Any suggestions?




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