Good Information

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Posted by FredT [ ] on December 13, 2005 at 06:35:26:

In Reply to: Re: folded voight pipes??? posted by Bob Brines on December 12, 2005 at 09:50:55:

Thanks to Bob and guys like him who are willing to challenge some of our commonly held misconceptions with real data. The Fostex FE-166E Voigt pipes I built (and sold to Jim) were loosely based on the Lowther Club of Norway design. To my ears they are pleasant sounding, especially when placed in a room whose dimensions accentuate the 60-80hz range, but they definitely are colored. Having heard Bob's FT-1600 MKII design in one room at the GPAF, with the Voigt pipes only two doors down, I have to agree that Voigt pipes aren't the best enclosure design for Fostex drivers.


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