Re: Further thoughts on peaks and some clarifying questions

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Posted by bob pace [ ] on August 11, 2005 at 14:47:15:

In Reply to: Further thoughts on peaks and some clarifying questions posted by akhilesh on August 08, 2005 at 02:42:12:

I can't help you with frequency ranges for the peaks as we were listening to a variety of music. I think we really cranked it for "Suzy Q" and the peaks on the Rat Shack meter were at 108. The "strident" sound is what I typically hear in the treble from alot of solid state amps. The Audio Note 300B tube amp tamed that characteristic completely. I would not say it is distortion, but rather an undue emphasis on treble. Keep in mind this was an ears test for the most part - the SPL meter just provided a reference which I did not really need since my ears already told me "it was loud" louder than I would ever need to listen. The other point about Ed's setup is it is not tweaked. There are no fancy cables or spikes for the speakers or any resonance tuning weights. With the right cable combo and tuning weights you could make these puppies meet your own version of sonic nirvana.



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