Re: a good question

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Posted by roncla [ ] on August 06, 2005 at 09:43:53:

In Reply to: Re: a good question posted by JLM on August 06, 2005 at 09:04:59:

Hay , i am in total agreement. The way i see it is a seperate woofer and the low Qts driver in a small sealed cab run FR. I simmed some of the cheap Pioneer drivers and even with a Qts of .25( 15" driver) i could see an Fc around 30 Hz with a BR cab. Just bi amp and roll off the sub/woofer at a good XO point and there ya have it. A very simple cab, but will require bi amping for good performance. Having run several tests i still find that the Qts of the woofer/sub should be close to the Qts of the FR ( OK , lets call it wide band) driver. The SPL of the 15" was the same as the 206e and paper cone , so it should( that word again) be a very good match and a simple build.
I believe the main reason i got into BLHs in the first place was the technical challenge and just to be different. The only reason i am not a fan of such designs as the Basszilla is the large footprint and the required XO electronics. IMHO a properly designed sealed cab for the wide band (designed for 150-200 hz roll in) is the way to go.( at this moment in space and time)


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