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Posted by Ed Schilling [ ] on August 02, 2005 at 21:10:52:

In Reply to: Thank you Martin.....page 1 posted by Ed Schilling on August 02, 2005 at 19:51:18:

1. The only thing you need to know is "The Redneck Jackal" name was a result of me being nice to an ass........long story. It's an inside joke. For some old posters at Decware. I could give a Rat's Ass if people don't get it. It was all in fun and if people hold it against me, well, so be it. Why would you bring that up? What does it have to do with my post here?

About Jeff....well...... he is too smart to not know how his posts come across. I think he is "very good". You should not have made me point this out.

2. Well, like I said Enter Sandman........I don't know the FR response of the song.....it just sounds real. They are 50Hz corner horns. Read the posts at Decware....people have heard the levels I claim. As to measured response? There is a graph posted at Decware. I don't think Richard (TNT) had an X150....or any comparable amp..... What you can do is read through the posts at Decware again and read what people who have actually heard what I claim have to say. Will you not take their word for the levels I claim and that the sound was "balanced" and that I did not have a sub hooked up. What more do you need? I stated a figure, people have heard it, and they will say so, but if you don't believe either them or me? So be it. I stand by my reply to Bob's post....( some) single drivers can do Metal!

3 as noted in page 1....I said to Jeffs' post...."more like 20 db/octave below cutoff"
Now really, Martin....just because I didn't say "exactly" 24 but simply spoke in "plain English" you are going to point it out......gee, sorry. But how do you know that my BLH doesn't roll off at that rate....because of your calculations? Have you measured the rolloff of mine? No? well then you should not assume you know more than me. I think some one else said 30....might be my fault but for the record I did not say that anywhere, I do not think.

4 Now that, you will have to convince me on......but I will not call you names or point out where I think you are in error....you might be right but I think there is about a snowballs' chance in Hell a sim is going to tell you how a given design that is not even real will actually sound in a room....call me a cynic.

5 That is simply completely wrong, The gains are all below 200....sorry that your guess is wrong....There is very little gain from the horn above 200. It is ALL below 200. I simply do not need your confirmation of what I hear every day and have measured. I don't need to prove it to you or anyone.....it is not hard to hear. Again, the SPLs I claim have been seen, measured, and heard by many people. I never said 105 @30 hz.....I said they can play Metallica (metal) at those levels all day long, 8 ft from the speakers.....and sound balanced and not "thin" or distorted.

And my question to you is....why did you reply to my post in the first place? You did not dispute anything I said in the post per se....you just attacked and accused me of stuff I didn't do including getting technical "facts" wrong. I was much "nicer" in my reply to Bob's post than you were to mine. Why is that? Because you thought I had an "agenda", trying to "stir the pot". Well, nope.....I was simply giving my opinion as I said at the end of the post.
But no big deal............One thing though, you said something about coming across as a "professional", well see, that, I'm not too worried about............most everyone already knows how I am.......A regular guy.


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