Re: I must ask about stuffing....

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Posted by lon [ ] on April 13, 2005 at 14:59:21:

In Reply to: Re: I must ask about stuffing.... posted by Bob Brines on April 08, 2005 at 15:30:29:


I've had this discussion any number of times, although usually in the context of baffle step correction filters.

IMO Reflections off of the back of the cabinet through the cone are in the 1-2kHz range. The reflections put a bump in the frequency response of the speaker in this range. People like the effect.


Must be so. As I described to bernie it gives the effect of listening to the speaker as an instrument-- if that makes any sense.


It gives sparkle to the sound of the speaker. Removing the reflections give a sound more true to the recording. It lacks the extra sparkle. It lacks "life". The same happens with. By cutting the treble to match the bass, you remove the exaggerated mids and the sound then lacks "life".


Our original discussion was about 'muddiness' at lower musical
instrument ranges: string bass plucking on jazz solos in poarticular.

But I also use organ recitals as a test of performance. I'd like to
have 1.) sharp and noticeable string decay on plucked upright bass and (perhaps) boomers from the organ recitals. I haven't gotten a happy medium for that.

Don't get me wrong. If you like the extra "life" in the sound of your speakers, by all means go for it. Just understand where it is coming from.


Thanks Bob. I appreciate these dialogs, but many of these threads get buried over time. Sorry if my response was slow. Maybe Wayne can
be persuaded to upgrade the forums. I noticed that some Linux discussions have a personal profile that contains 'my discussions' so all thread answers are grouped together under the thread started and can be indexed that way at login.


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