Re: I must ask about stuffing....

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Posted by lon [ ] on April 09, 2005 at 16:23:02:

In Reply to: I must ask about stuffing.... posted by bernieclub on April 08, 2005 at 10:55:39:

I have come to view speaker cabinets as instruments: a guitar body
for instance.

This is not applicable to all designs. And I wonder if the
cone breakup that I hear may come from what you are describing.

Could be. Maybe I'm just going deaf.

I don't have a chance to hear anyone else's homebuilds.

Last night I was at the local symphony (in volunteer usher service)
and I was trying to hear what the concert hall would sound like from
2 little speakers in MLTL boxes. I decided I'd never be playing
up to those volume levels. The concert hall is the concert hall and
home is home.

There was some real low notes from a section of bowed bass that
was very effective. I don't know if I could ever get that low and quiet at the same time.


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