Re: The Audio Nirvana Drivers Arrived Today

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Posted by FredT [ ] on April 05, 2005 at 04:51:08:

In Reply to: Re: The Audio Nirvana Drivers Arrived Today posted by Wayne Parham on April 05, 2005 at 03:55:37:

Actually, the sound I'm expecting, with room reinforcement, shouldn't be too different from Jim's Voigt pipes. The in-room measurements of the pipes indicated a small peak somewhere between 60 and 70hz falling to nothing below that. You're right about not not pushing a full ranger - there are areas where they give you a lot (speed and imaging) and other areas where they don't have as much to give (bass extension & impact, high sound levels), and if you feel you need those you might be better off using a subwoofer.


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