Re: Audio Nirvana Speakers

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Posted by roncla [ ] on March 27, 2005 at 18:29:50:

In Reply to: Audio Nirvana Speakers posted by FredT on March 26, 2005 at 16:40:34:

All depends on the Qts of the driver and the efficency. Sorry but any body that reccomends a low Qts driver in a BR alingment needs to study physics. It can work in a balanced system with added series resistance(loss in efficency) or a current drive ( added parallel resistance, same loss in efficency in theory) but if the noted Qts is within the order of .19 then it either needs BHL or some sort of compensation for the lower Qts. Like my pet theory ( which i really need to find the time to investigate) of loading the driver to the proper amount to allow low Qts drivers to operate efficently in BR and MLTL alingments without the efficency robbing effects of series resistance. As MK stated to me " think outside of the box". Its good advice.


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