Re: Used Aleph 3?

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Posted by edta [ ] on May 13, 2006 at 18:50:01:

In Reply to: Used Aleph 3? posted by Eldragon on February 21, 2006 at 16:42:05:

First Watt's Aleph J is Nelson Pass' latest version of the Aleph 30 and it is sweet. Slightly less powerful and more for 8 ohms and up, it was noticeably better than the Aleph 30 in my system. More open, more tuneful, lively, and transparent. Pass is or was also producing the F3 power amp which is a SINGLE stage JFET class A, single ended power amp. This might be the best sounding of all, if you can live with 10 wpc. Check out the First Watt website.


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