Re: Pass Zen V8 (Jfet)

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on January 22, 2006 at 08:39:35:

In Reply to: Re: Pass Zen V8 (Jfet) posted by Skip Pack on January 21, 2006 at 21:56:54:

Yes; I heard the 47 labs at a meeting of the audio society here and they used a pair of Audio Physics loudspeakers that ran about 6K$. It sounded good.
Your point about the price is well taken not to mention the hassle of tubes. I have always wanted equipment with the ease of use of SS but there has never been the quality and musicality you get with tubes. Even Nelson will admitt that.
That being said; the GC is definately listenable and this new concept,( actually New/old concept), sounds really good.
Can you say a little more about the group build you mentioned?
It looks so simple it is hard to believe it can work.


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